1st British-Polish IT Forum in London


Another very successful event organized at the Polish Embassy in London by the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), the British-Polish Chamber of Commerce (BPCC) and PLUGin.An interesting meeting highlighting the benefits of outsourcing IT orders to Poland and cooperation between Polish and British companies, as Poland is one of the top software development outsourcing destinations in the world. British and Polish entrepreneurs were represented by a total of 60 companies and organisations, what made it possible to exchange numerous experiences and observations. The topics initiated discussions, which certainly will be continued during the next edition. Some questions, which despite the presentation of various positions remained without a clear-cut answer, e.g.: “Can you outsource innovation?”

We appreciate the efforts of the organizers and look forward to the 2nd British-Polish IT Forum in London, hoping for many other interesting meetings initiated in the meantime by PAIH, BPCC, PLUGin and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland.


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