Fruit energy every Wednesday


In Eversoft, the fruit season lasts for a whole year. Every Wednesday, ripe and juicy fruit are delivered to the office, the species of which have been selected to satisfy every taste. We gain additional energy, but above all, we care for good health. Fresh fruit are not only vitamins, but also a healthy snack. Thanks to fruit we improve our mood, but few people realize how important their colours are:

Red fruit

This group of fruit protects the body against signs of aging, through the action of antioxidants in the form of anthocyanins and lycopene. Red fruit effectively reduce cholesterol.

Green fruit

Chlorophyll contained in the fruit of this group facilitates digestion and supports the liver in a natural way.

Yellow and orange fruit

Lemons, oranges, kaki, pineapple, tangerines and other yellow-orange fruit have their colour thanks to the content of beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin A in the human body. Their consumption is desirable in situations of feeling of exhaustion, during diseases associated with the blood system, but also in the case of joint degeneration and problems with the skeletal system.

Black and purple fruit

Fruit of this colour are best eaten raw, so that they retain as many anthocyanins as possible, that is natural dyes that do not like high-temperature treatment. Anthocyanins oxygenate and nourish the brain. They foster concentration and improve memory. Purple fruit primarily help in the fight against atherosclerosis or ailments related to the circulatory system. Fruit rich in anthocyanins also inhibits the aging process by catching free radicals.

White fruit

White fruit have bactericidal properties. Although they are considered to be fruit that have the least nutritional value, they contain anti-viral and anti-inflammatory phytoncides. People who regularly eat white fruit, halve the risk of a stroke compared to those who eliminated white fruit from the diet.

Bon Appetit!


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