What is Project ESSI?

The Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), as one of the three contact points designated in Poland (access points), has joined the project of the European Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information System (EESSI). EESSI is an IT system designed to speed up and facilitate the exchange of information between social security institutions in all EU Member States, through the introduction of standard electronic documents exchanged within a common secure network.

What was our part?

The Eversoft development team was involved in the work on the AKE module (National Application EESSI) integrating the European RINA system with internal applications of the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) for pensions benefits and allowances.

The main functionalities of the AKE module that our team has worked on include:

• SED document editor, supporting over 250 document types, i.e. their automatic filling with data from domain applications, editing, previewing, printing and emission to the RINA system.

• Editor of portable documents with functionality similar to the SED document editor, but allowing for a more advanced way of printing them, e.g. adding print templates.

• Building a mechanism allowing for assigning links between cases and proceedings from different domain applications.

• Scheduler - a standard schedule that allows you to add, edit and preview events of a given user along with a mechanism of push notifications with information about upcoming events.

Within the framework of building the above software functionalities, integrations with domain applications have been performed both with REST and RabitMQ queues, JOLT transformer mechanisms, communication with the database in PostgreSQL.